Experienced Freelancers

Find a list of freelancers with proven GovStack experience. The listed freelancers offer services based on GovStack offerings.

What is an experienced freelancer?

On this page, GovStack lists recognized providers of services based on the GovStack approach. With an ecosystem of service providers in key areas of knowledge, governments worldwide will be provided with a pool of service providers to choose from for their digital transformation projects. Possible service offerings are:

  • Technical advisory
  • System integration
  • Software development
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Service design
How is eligibility be assessed?


  • Agreement to GovStack principles

  • At least once a year attend community calls to receive latest updates on GovStack

There are two ways individuals and companies can proof their knowledge and become GovStack service provider.

  • Contribution

    • Contribution to the GovStack Specifications or other GovStack offerings (GovSpec, GovTest, GovLearn)

  • Implementation

    • Service contract-based contribution or utilization GovStack Specifications or other GovStack offerings (e.g. assigned by countries or founding partners (GIZ, ITU, Estonia, DIAL))

Unit: working days (8h = 1 day) of contribution or implementation (actual time spent, not time frame!)


  1. Proof document (linked deliverables, reference project, authorship or others with plausible connection to/naming of GovStack Specifications or other GovStack Offerings)

  2. Person reference (only for “Contribution” experience, see above. Reference by e.g. a Working Group lead)

Level Labels

Working Days Companies (sum of multiple persons)



>8 days (64 hours)

Active contribution (e.g. pull requests) to a BB Spec cycle


>32 days


>128 days

Half-year full-time consultancy contract

How can I submit an application to be listed?
  1. Application: Interested service providers submit an application form through the website and declare their agreement with the GovStack principles
  2. Evaluation: GovStack reviews applications and assesses eligibility based on the specified level requirements. Successfully approved experts receive a confirmation email.
  3. Welcome package: The new service provider receives an onboarding package that includes information about the GovStack branding guidelines and a template for a self-description to be featured on the initiative’s website.

Please note: The following list has informational purposes. The GovStack Initiative conducts plausibility checks of the submitted applications only. It does not guarantee for correctness of information and quality of offered services.

Untitled design (42) Expert

Name 1

Service offerings

  • Advisory
  • System Integration
  • Software development

Experience proven by implementation project with Goverment of XYZ (proof document)

Untitled design (42) Practitioner

Name 2

Service offerings

  • Advisory
  • Service Design

Experience proven by being a contributor to the Registry Specifications (Reference person)

Untitled design (42) Ambassador

Name 3

Service offerings

  • Software development
  • Operation and Maintenance
  • Service Design

Experience proven by development contract with GovStack Founding member (proof document)

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