Our Offerings

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GovStack supports countries and organizations to build cost-effective and efficient digital public services that are easy to scale, so that citizens can seamlessly access health records, identity documents, digital payments, and other government services.  

Our commitment to global best practices enables governments to create human-centered services that empower individuals and improve well-being. And GovStack’s “whole-of-government” approach means delivering reusable digital services based on generic, interoperable components that can span sectors, ministries and departments.  

The GovStack approach is based on the SDG Digital Investment Framework and promotes the use of interoperable, generic, and reusable “building blocks” to digitalize any service. 

Find out more about our suite of offerings for government stakeholders and technical experts below.  


We work with governments to identify the real-life scenarios for digital services –called use cases – that benefit their citizens. Our specifications define the key technology components – called Building Blocks – needed to build those services.  The list of Building Blocks includes payment, registries, identification and more and are reusable across different services. Find the full list.

Governments use these building blocks to implement digital services across their government ministries, agencies and programs. They can save time and resources by using the Building Blocks approach.  


With our Sandbox, government technical experts can test example implementations of GovStack and learn about the architecture and Building Block design. The Sandbox also provides developers with a reference to build their own prototypes. 

From developers to policy makers, GovTech actors can test out the GovStack building block approach via our Simulation


We work hand-in-hand with governments to provide capacity building and support in designing roadmaps and strategies, from the Implementation Playbook to online and in-person trainings. We also support Communities of Practice, topic-related or regional exchange forums to share knowledge and experiences related to the GovStack approach

Through the GovStack ecosystems, we connect countries with others on their e-government journeys.   


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A platform for government decision-makers and collaborators to research the market of digital services and to find business opportunities, tenders, products, and services that meet their needs.    

Learn more about GovExchange.

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