GovStack's Research Approach

GovStack has diverse research stakeholders that contribute to the agenda. The agenda aligns with shared research interests of founding partners and the global DPI research community, identified through open consultation process, through which GovStack engages with communities focused on public sector digital transformation research.
Objective and consultation process
GovStack is using an open consultation process to gather input into its research objectives and work. Currently, the GovStack research agenda is focused on mapping relevant networks and communities engaged in research of public sector digital transformation. The consultation process is followed by active engagement in conferences, workshops, and other events that contribute to the generation of relevant research output and execution of the agenda.
Current activities:
- Defining specific research domains and assigning relevant domain leads
- Surveying literature related to the domain of public sector digital transformation
- Identifying relevant research institutions in the digital transformation field
- Structuring potential consortia activities
- Mapping the top upcoming conferences and events that propose state-of-the-art solutions and research
Research Stakeholders
Provide excellence and knowledge through research along with capacity-building.
Input and support for R&D in academia as well as private sector.
Implementation support and development.