GovSpecs: Specifications for building blocks

Building blocks are interoperable and reusable software components that provide key functionality facilitating generic workflows across multiple sectors.

GovStack is defining the technical specifications that define each building block. We welcome community participation in this process – you can access and comment on the first wave of GovSpecs via GitBook:

Published Blocks

Digital Registries

Registries are centrally managed databases that uniquely identify persons, vendors, procedures, products and sites related to an organization or activity.

Identification & Authentication

Enables unique identification and authentication of users, organizations and other entities.

Information Mediator

Provides a gateway between external digital apps & ICT Building Blocks, ensuring implementation of standards, for integrating various ICT Building Blocks & apps.


Implements financial transactions (e.g., remittances, claims, purchases & payments, transactional info). Tracking costs utilities & audit trials.


Records identifiers and general information about a person, place or entity, typically for the purpose of registration in specific services or programmes and tracking of that entity over time.

Upcoming Blocks

Content Management

Manages a set of policies allowing users to determine the info that will be accessible to specific potential info consumers, for which purpose, for how long and whether this info can be shared.


Facilitates notifications, alerts and two-way communications between applications and communications services, including SMS, USSD, IVR, email and social media platforms.


Provides an engine for setting up events based on regular intervals or specific combinations of status of several parameters in order to trigger specific tasks in an automated business process.

Workflow and Algorithm

Optimize business processes by specifying rules that govern the sequence of activities executed, the type of info exchanged to orchestrate the process flow from initiation to completion.

Analytics and Business Intelligence

Provides data-driven insights about business processes, performance and predictive modelling.

Artificial Intelligence

AI capabilities packaged as reusable services to perform work, extract insights from data, or provide other business capabilities.

Client Case Management

Registration of a client and the longitudinal tracking of services for the client, often across multiple service categories, providers and locations.from initiation to completion.

Collaboration Management

Enables multiple users to simultaneously access, modify or contribute to a single activity, such as content creation, through a unified portal.

Content Management

Supports the creation, editing, publication and management of digital media and other information.


Supports the creation, editing, publication and management of digital media and other information.

Data Collection

Supports data collection from humans, sensors and other systems through digital interfaces.


Provides a digital marketing space where provider entities can electronically advertise & sell products & services to other entities (B2B) or end-customers (B2C).

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