Digital Leaders Spotlight: Rwanda

The Government of Rwanda is embarking on an exciting journey to fully digitize all Government services by 2029 through the 2nd National Strategy for Transformation (NST2). This bold initiative is set to revolutionize service delivery and accountability by harnessing fast, reusable, and secure public-facing platforms. The introduction of GovStack in Rwanda is a major milestone in this transformative process, empowering capacity building and driving the development of use cases that will accelerate online service delivery to new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Cases development that fosters faster and efficient online service delivery.
GovStack approach
GovStack builds capacities throughout the Rwandan IT ecosystem both on the governmental and the non- governmental level. It focuses on:
- Awareness building for public and private stakeholders through training, participation at conferences, and workshops, focusing primarily on local private implementation entities, government clients, and government institutions.
- Capacity Building by enabling civil servants to understand and use the GovStack approach for improved service implementation.
- Operationalisation of the GovStack approach by strengthening and developing implementation capacity in Rwanda.
- Technical support for government ministries adopting the GovStack approach using four building blocks; and for the implementation of use cases, to establish evidence for GovStack’s value proposition of a speedier way to digitise government services
Where we stand
Since 2022, the GovStack approach has been rolled out throughout Rwanda supporting the digitisation of government services. Achievements to date include:
- 200 government websites have been developed supporting the GovStack Content Management Building Block, improving security and access to consolidated government information for citizens.
- Based on the GovStack Workflow Building Block, the GoR is adopting a lowcode approach to develop several G2G, now having rolled out a tree plantation tree tracker, a platform for refugee services, a service registry as well as a training management system for civil servants.
- Civil Servants are contributing to the GovStack Consent Management Building Block which could potentially improve the existing efforts of how Rwandan citizens control their data.
- A government business intelligence solution/reporting solution was rolled out using the overarching GovStack Enterprise Architecture.
- In cooperation with the Worldbank, the Government of Rwanda is incorporating the GovStack consent building block into the new Single Digital ID system.
Next Steps
As a global pioneer, the GoR has passed a law to extend producer responsibility in the production of electronic goods. The implementation of the groundbreaking digital system for the so called “Extended Producer Responsibility” (EPR) e-service will be based on the GovStack approach. Through the ERP use case, GovStack is contributing to e-waste reduction in Rwanda and supporting the twin transition of green and digital value chains. The roll-out of the EPR use case starts in the fall of 2024.
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